Moments of L-Functions via the Relative Trace Formula


We prove an asymptotic formula for the second moment of the GL(n)×GL(n+1) Rankin–Selberg central L-values L(1/2,Ππ), where π is a fixed cuspidal representation of GL(n) that is tempered and unramified at every place, while Π varies over a family of automorphic representations of PGL(n+1) ordered by (archimedean or non-archimedean) conductor. As another application of our method, we prove the existence of infinitely many cuspidal representations Π of PGL(n+1) such that L(1/2,Ππ1) and L(1/2,Ππ2) do not vanish simultaneously where π1 and π2 are cuspidal representations of GL(n) that are unramified and tempered at every place and have trivial central characters.
